We now have openings for new music students, violin and piano in our affordable, game led, small group lessons.

When: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday afternoons: 2:15 -2:45, 2:45-3:15, 3:15-3:45

 Saturday mornings between 10am & 1pm

Who: From age 4 upwards      

          We currently availability in our small group lessons

          If you wish individual tuition, please chat to us & we will add you to our waiting list 

Where: The Studio – North Belfast

Number per class: Limited to 4 students

More Info: email ucanmusicni@gmail.com or call 0775 318 3386 or use the sign uop form below.

Sign up here Meet the Teacher and Free Taster Lesson

Meet the teacher

Hi, thank you for your interest in the Big Belfast Music School. I started teaching music when I was 18 and ALWAYS loved it. Life however took me on another journey initially through my degree and first jobs as a language teacher/office manager/logistics manager...a far cry from the violin, piano and choirs. It wasn't until my 30s that I realised I had to do what I loved, and that was teaching music. So I decided to be the best teacher I could and embarked on a whole new world of music courses and learning adventures. Teaching music has given me so much joy, I love watching students develop and grow as musicians. I love watching their families delight in their achievements . I am looking forward to meeting the new generation of musicians and starting them on their musical journey....

Aoife xo 

(BSc(Hons), P.G.C.E. ,Dip(LCM)) 

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